Hey everybody! I truly cannot believe that July is nearly at an end.
Tomorrow we will be taking Brian to the airport to fly to Washington
State to play another show for Disciple. No, Mabri and I do not get to
go this time. So me and the little munchkin will be on our own this
weekend, and we will miss daddy very much.
Everyday Mabri is growing and changing and making new weird noises that crack me up. She started one this week that makes her gag, but then she smiles and even laughs at herself. She had her first bananas the other day and made terrible faces and even had a full body gross shiver, and then proceeded to eat the rest of it happily. Still won't take a bottle, but we are working on the sippy cup. She just likes to chew on it right now. She is doing some teething, but nothing is poking thru yet. She is pretty much sitting up by herself now, with a few tumbles here and there. Well, that's all I can think of that you've all been dying to know. Life is sweet. My little girl is sweet.
*SIGH* On to pictures . . .
If this doesn't make all the cold-hearted people in the world melt, I don't know what will . . .

. . . And here we have our first bath in the kitchen sink . . .

. . . and this was amazing. She actually fell asleep in her exersaucer. Shall we rename it the "exersleeper?" (ugh, I'm so lame)

And last but now least, the hat. I fell in love with this hat, and on her it was even better!

Well, that's all for now. This is Brooke for the Millers' signing off. Much love.