Now on a lighter note, here's some updates as to what this amazing little girl is doing now... With a little strategic postioning, she can roll over, barely... but she did it!!! She has also really found her voice the last few weeks, and will now lay on the floor, or in her swing, and just chatter away, squealing and giggling. It's awesome! She's sleeping really well; we put her to bed at about 930 and she usually sleeps till around 5 or 6. She continues to amaze us every day...
Also, I just want to announce that we have a DISHWASHER!!!!!!!!! It's amazing... note to whoever knows my brother: tease him about how long it took him to put his in. 3 DAYS!!!!! Mine was hooked up and running in 2 hours, including a nice cabinet around it. And then he's probly going to say something about a fluke golf round a while back, just dont pay any attention to it.... hee hee......
enough babbling... enjoy the pics, have a great holiday everyone!!!
B and B and M

Mabri and Addy: friends for life? or mortal enemies...... hmmm
Mabri Quin Miller: America's Next Top Model