Well, here we are on March 8th, we are stuck inside due to a level 3 snow emergency rating, and b/c we don't want to be arrested, we will stay inside. Thankfully, we are all well, which has not been the case since before Christmas. Mabri is over all her snottiness, and Brian and I are not sick either. A miracle has occurred.
We are still waiting ever so paitiently on word about a house we have put an offer on, and as of yesterday is was FIVE weeks ago we faxed in the first offer. It's a long ridiculous story, but we are gonna make it. We will let you all know when we know something.
Mabri is talking like crazy, trying so hard to communicate her thoughts with us, sadly we don't speak the same language yet. She is growing so fast, and walks really well now (yes, her arms have lowered considerably). She also has come to that lovely place where she can now choose to be naughty. We can tell her NO NO and she will stop to think about it, maybe try to touch the forbidden object really fast, and look back at us to see if we mean it. It's hard not to laugh at times.
Here are some pictures of the last few weeks:
First pigtails, or as close as I can get right now. This is the face we make when Mommy is pulling on my hair.

First time out in the snow. Let's just say she wasn't all that impressed. This was the best picture. The rest of them she looks really annoyed or about to cry.

This was hilarious. She had a very runny nose, and was eating cherrios, and for some odd reason decided to pick one up with her mouth, rather than her fingers. The rest is history. We had a good laugh about that one.

It's amazing how long her hair is when it's wet frim her bath. She looks so different.

This one is just my favorite one from the other day when she was looking out the window.

Ok. That's enough from me. I have sooo much vegging out to do during this lovely snow emergency. Hope you have less snow than we do!
Much Love,
Brooke for the Millers