Ok, now Brooke here. Brian got it started for me. Well, update on the house. We are in contract, but are still waiting to have several documents signed by the same bank dude so that we can get on with it and set a closing date. We have extended our closing date to no later than May 6th, Lord willing, but that is not set, that is a hope. Let me just say that no matter who you buy a house from, it is not simple, but we certainly were not expecting to have to jump thru as many hoops as we have, but knowing it is worth it, we continue to act like the trained monkeys we are and jump. It's so long and complicated, there is no way we will ever publish the saga here, but if you really want to hear all about it, give one of us a call. Sorry for the news. We had really hoped to be able to tell you all that we have the keys, etc. on this update, but maybe on the next one.
Alright, time for pictures.
Reading a book to herself . . .
Learning to eat a "nana" like a big girl . . . and taking HUGE bites!
This is Brooke for the miller's signing off. God bless and good night.