So, we are gonna update this depite the fact that I still can't tell you that we have closed, because we haven't. More stupid hold-ups, and to be honest I don't want to talk about it. Believe me, when we close on this house, you will know! We are hoping for next week . . . don't hold your breath.
Basically, we wanted to share the photos and what not that we have for the kid. She is learning new things everyday. She does pat-a-cake, she plays peek-a-boo (basically this means she's hiding her eyes and waiting for you to ask "where's Mabri?") she is dancing more and more, as you will see in the video, and she likes to spin in circles. She has a little toy vacuum that she likes to use and I am looking forward to the day she graduates from the toy one to the real thing. She is trying to talk all the time, most of it just sounds very intense, but sadly there have been no real words involved most of the time. There is, however one word she has learned beyond a shadow of a doubt: CRACKER. Day or night, she talks about crackers. Try and get her to say mommy or daddy, and she says "cracker" though she totally applies the word to the object, she just likes to say it randomly. She now has 14, yes 14 teeth. Her top eye teeth have come in and she is now working on the bottom ones. I, for one, am SICK OF TEETHING! Poor little girl has been poppin' em thru and I think we are ready for a break from it. She is just the smallest bit obsessed with cell phones. If you leave it within reach, watch out. She has her own, but would rather have ours. She tries to hold it up to her ear to "talk" but it sort of ends up on the back of her neck, and she just pushes all the buttons like mad, so if you have had a random call from one of us lately, it may have been her. All in all, we are really enjoying this stage of life. Mabri is so much fun, so full of energy, sass, emotions, and sometimes poo. Enjoy the pictures!
Well, I think that may be all for now. God bless. See ya later.
Brooke for the Miller's