Yes, my little hair monster has turned two. It's so hard to believe that we are at this point already. Mabri has turned into quite the little girl. Everyday we get closer to full sentences, please and thank you come more voluntarily, and the best thing to hear in the world has to be when out of nowhere she looks at me and says "I love you, Mommy." Ah, my heart. She is really into singing little songs (very short versions of longer songs!) and many that we don't understand. She especially likes to sing in the car at the top of her lungs when Mommy is on the phone. She has really become my little helper in the kitchen, always up at the sink with me, sitting in her spot on the counter watching me cook, dumping in her own ingredients, and putting away clean dishes and silverware for me. She puts her own socks and shoes on (when they don't require tying) and really likes putting her own pants on too. The shirts we are still working on! We'll be doing really good when she can comb her own hair.
Mabri had a great little birthday party. Both sets of grandparents were able to be there, along with several of the kids that Mabri sees most often (and of course their parents!). We had a lot of fun, a lot of food and of course a lot of cake. And now for pictures!

Trying to blow out the candle. Daddy had to help!

The cake with LOTS of gooey frosting!

Brian and I got her 2 guppies and a little tiny frog as part of her birthday present from us. She loves fish and frogs.

Pure excitement.

Pure sugar.

She is definately learning to strike a pose.

This is the face that makes it all worth it. Love this kid.

Well, that's all for now. Hope you are blessed today.
Brooke for the Miller's