Bailey Grey Miller was born at 2 am Friday morning, the 26th. She weighs in at 9 lbs 15 oz, and measures 20 1/2 inches long. The entire birth process was so amazing, Brooke was incredible, as was our midwife and everyone who helped in any way. I know it's been a long time since we did anything on here, so we apologize for that if you've been following... To our credit we did misplace our camera for about a month and found it only a few days before the birth.... Whew! Mabri is loving her little sister, and is planting kisses on her left and right.... Her vocabulary is exploding right now, she comes up with stuff every day, and Brooke and I look at each other and say, "We didnt teach her that!" She's got the ABC song pretty much down, except for that tricky stretch of LMNOP, and she also loves Row your boat and Twinkle, twinkle. She also has her own stubbornness and attitude down at times, but we're working on it. She loves to help Mommy cook and clean, as well as other baby related activities that mommies do, as you will see.....
So here's some pics of the new little one and also of the curly headed little munchkin: