Hello everyone, we'd like you all to welcome the newest addition to the Brian Miller family. Mabri Quin Miller was born at 6:39 pm on Sunday, Feb. 11th. She weighed in at 12 lbs. and 6 ounces, yes, you read right, she's a big baby!! She's 22 and 3/4 inches long, and absolutely perfect. I am so proud of Brooke; she was so strong and amazing. It's still processing through my head what we've just been through. Brooke and Mabri are doing great, Brooke is tired and sore, but we are so grateful to God for a safe arrival. She hasn't nursed real well yet, but our wonderful midwife, Rhoda Baughman, is here working on that for us. We want to thank Rhoda and her assistant Irena for being so great and supportive, and knowing exactly what to do. We're just relaxing and enjoying our daughter so much. She's an amazing gift. Thanks to all our friends and family for prayers and support. We'll have more pictures in the next few days!!!!
OH MY GOOOOOOOODNESS! That's one big baby!! Congratulations to you both...we're very excited to meet little Mabri. :)
SO excited for you both. Wow, congratulations. And seriously...you make some BIG babies! Nice work. :)
Aww, how wonderful! I'm so happy for all of you and I'll be keeping Brooke & Mabri in my prayers!:)
ps. I love the name you picked.
Blessings to you all. You will be in my prayers as you all try to adjust.
She's beautiful!!!!!! =D
-ash moore
Yea! She is gorgeous, just as I expected. I can't wait to meet her, I'll have to start lifting weights in preperation to hold the 12 pound bundle. =) Love you both and congratulations on your new arrival!
Congratulations! We can't wait to meet her. She looks beautiful-so glad that everything went ok. Hope to see you soon...love ya, Jon, Rose, Emma & Baby #2
Hey friends. Congratulations. I'm very happy for you both. We'll be praying for you. The kid looks great. Rock on.
-Rev. Moore
Yay! Congrats to you both on your beautiful baby. And I like the name, too. Good choice. haha
whooo! Congrats guys!
Way to go!!!! What a woman!!! and of course the Pops who gave so much support & encouragment.I heard her over the phone today and I think she said, "I am woman, see me roar." She is beautiful and we look forward to having her be a part of our family and watching her grow up.
The Helmuths, Rhoda & Dave, Stu & Danielle
I am soooo excited for you both! She is sooo beautiful! I cannot wait to hold her and kiss her cheeks. You are in my prayers as you adjust to your new babe! Hope to see you soon! Great job, both of you!
Congratulations you guys! She is beautiful...apparently Beth and I were trying to call you while you were in labor..not the best timing.
Welcome, Mabri!! She's gorgeous! Congratulations to mommy and daddy. I'm so glad all is well. Welcome to parenthood. She's so beautiful.
Love, Kim, Chad, Riley & Kaylie DeHaven!!
Can't wait to see her in person. UHG
That is an amazing beautiful thing. Im proud of you guys. There is a chance I might come visit soon. My spring break is the third week of march I might have to drive up there and see her. Love yall, I pray God will bless ya for all you have done for me and mine. Love you.. Paul and Jordan
Congrats on your newest blessing! She's beautiful like her mommy! Enjoy each moment, she will grow so fast (trust us, we know)! Love you both, Chris, Heather, Lexi & Petra
oh my...i love these pictures...can't wait to meet mabri. brooklyn, you make me proud. brian, you too. love you guys. i'll try to call again soon...this time when you're not in labor.
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