Hmmm . . .
Daddy and his little girl like taking naps together!
Mabri is doing great. We've had a few good nights. After trying everything, and I mean everything, we finally got her to sleep in her bed for most of the night. We had to let her cry for a little while, but she finally feel asleep. While she cried in her bed, I sat and cried in the living room for the first night. It's not easier each night, but I know this too shall pass!
1 comment:
Hi! I am Krista's friend Megan. I saw your blog on Joe and Renee's and I just wanted to tell you how beautiful your daughter is. I have a 7 month old, and the sleepless nights do get easier..Trust me Ava was colic for 3 months. and now at 7 months the only way she will get half way through the night is by sleeping in her swing. (we are on our second one !) Good luck with everything, and what you said is true.. this to shall pass.( I wish now I wouldn't have frowned apon the nights when she wanted to sleep on my chest, or lay beside me in bed, i was a stickler for the crib. and now at 7 months shes nosie as heck, and snuggling isnt even an option. ) ENJOY HER !!
Best of luck!
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