We had a nice thanksgiving. We spent Thanksgiving Day with Brian's family and ate ourselves into oblivion and Trivial Pursuited (can I make that a verb?) also into oblivion. The next day Brian had to work a partial day, and then we left for Indiana to see my family and spend the weekend at my parents' house. There we also ate our selves into oblivion, and just RELAXED for awhile. It was good to see our families and be able to just spend time with them. We love you guys!
Now, we are gearing up for the Christmas season. For us that means tons of cookies (Mabri and I are leaving tonight to stay with Renee's family in Indiana to make 3 million doz. Christmas cookies and candy for a day), we just had an Ugly Christmas Sweater Party (i will post our family portrait from that later) caroling with our church, and two Christmases, one here in OH and one in IN, and lots of family time. I love this time of year simply because once we get to where we are going, we can just hang out. Everything else can turn into a blur because the pace of life is so crazy or feels mundane, but just having down time with the fam is awesome. I know that the pressure of the economy and life can put a damper on things and believe me, we are feelin' it, but I am so thankful for all our family and friends. You guys are a large part of what makes our life. We are thankful for each and everyone of you.
So, now that I have gotten the sappy stuff out of the way, how about some pictures?
Yes, the hair keeps getting bigger and more out of control. It will eventually act like hair, right?
Mabri is really into "watching" and "helping" these days. She is constantly pushing a chair to the sink or the stove to watch what Mommy is up to. You'll notice the wet spot on her shirt . . . that extended down to her knees.
My sweet husband doing dishes for me and his big helper. Dishes make me gag alot these days. Maybe I'll keep that up for awhile if it gets me out of dishes . . .
Teaching George to use the potty like a big . . . monkey?
Just in case you were thinking Mabri is perfectly behaved all the time, let me squash those rumors now. This is what timeouts look like these days. Nose to the wall.
First time out in the snow this year. She LOVES snow, and was pretty mad when it was time to come in and eat dinner.
This may be the reason it took so long for me to update this blog. On most nights, if it's after 9pm, this is where you will find me and probably in the the state of unconsciousness.
Well, that's it from me. We hope you all have a fantastic and blessed Christmas season. If we don't get back here 'til then, Merry Christmas and we'll see you in the New Year!
Brooke for the Miller's