This little girl absolutely loves playing in water.
We went to the zoo last Saturday, and let's just say Mabri was not impressed with the goats and sheep. She cried when we put her down to pet them.
She had an opportunity to touch a snake, and she reached out and really tried to squeeze it. That snake may have digestive problems now. Poor snake.
Look at that face. That's actually the "mom, I'm watching cartoons" face.
I got Mabri a recorder today because I guess I am voluntarily giving up my sanity. She hasn't totally figured it out yet, as you can see her using the wrong end in her mouth, and rather than blowing to make noise, she just uses her voice. The fact that this is a wind instrument is lost on her for the time being.
Big belly laughs. Really not sure what was so funny about me that day, but we were on our way home from the zoo, and she may have been delirious from exhaustion.
Well, my bed is calling. Hope you all have a lovely Friday tomorrow!
Over and out . . .
Brooke for the Miller's
So cute!! I LOVE her laugh... I think it sounds sort of like yours, Brooke. Thanks for sharing.
great laugh. great coldplay plug.
Too stinkin cute, as usual! Baby belly laughs are most contagious!
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