Here is our immediate family on Brian's side . . .
Here is my Papa with his youngest Great-Grandchild . . .
My Mom and Dad with the munchkin . . .
And here is a random pic of her playing with the fire. Thankfully, it's not real.
Well, as for this family, we are currently all getting over some sort of illness. Poor little girl started off with what I think was either a mild form of croup or maybe bronchitis, and it turned into strep throat, and eye infections. She is doing much better now, while Brian and I have both working on getting over whatever we have. Needless to say, we rang in the new year in a rather pathetic fashion: at home in our pj's. So, that's the latest for us. I can hardly believe, but the next post will probably be of the kid turning 1! Where did the time go? I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas and New Year! That's all 'til next time. Much love, Brooke for the Miller's
Dudes. Where does time go. Mabri's blessed with really rosy cheeks. Very cute
Mabri has awesome hair, love it.
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