Hello all, and welcome to Brian, Brooke, Mabri and Bailey's blogspot. This is your home for all information and news, Miller-style. So look around, and comment if you feel so inclined!!! thanks
B and B and M and B
hey all, and welcome to the latest edition of the life and times of the Millers. I can't believe it's November already. Mabri is starting to really emulate us more and more, which is somewhat scary. She's amazingly smart. She is really developing her own personality, to the good and the bad. She's learning new words every day, some that we teach her, and some she just picks up from somewhere, and all of sudden she says it, and we're like, where the heck did that come from????? Makes for some great entertainment. As for Mommy and Daddy, we're doing well, gearing up for winter, UGH. Not my favorite season of the year, to be perfectly honest. I'm a summer dude. And speaking of next summer, late June to be exact, we will be welcoming Miller Munchkin #2!!!! No, your eyes are not deceiving you. We are pregnant!!! We're trying to explain it to Mabri, and she'll point to Brooke's tummy when we ask where Mommy's baby is. She loves playing with her baby dolls, pushing them around in a little stroller and putting them to bed. So we're positive she'll be a great big sister. So that's about it, thanks for checking out our part of the world wide web, and until next time, enjoy some pics.
This is the aftermath of trying to drink a bowl of yogurt with cherrios in it. Try it you might like it!
This is Mabri with Aaliyah, the baby Brooke watches on Mondays and Tuesdays.
Mabri likes to "help" daddy . . . lookin' a little scary here.
Mabri wiping her baby's bottom. She sees Brooke do this alot during the day. She makes you realize how much she is watching everything we do. She actually started emulating Brooke the other day by gagging (the first trimester gag reflex is out of this world).
Let me just start by saying I LOVE LOVE LOVE toddlerhood. So far, it has been nothing short of FUN. Yes, there are those days when I am so sick of giving my precious disobedient child time-outs and saying no-no, but as anyone knows kids just have a way of frustrating you and melting your heart simultaneously (so much power!) if they so choose. I wanted to share of few of those melty moments that no matter how much I just want Mabri to stop emptying the kleenex box and shredding it all over the living room while I am in the shower(that really happened this morning), I just want to kiss her sweet little face.
This little girl absolutely loves playing in water.
We went to the zoo last Saturday, and let's just say Mabri was not impressed with the goats and sheep. She cried when we put her down to pet them.
She had an opportunity to touch a snake, and she reached out and really tried to squeeze it. That snake may have digestive problems now. Poor snake.
Look at that face. That's actually the "mom, I'm watching cartoons" face.
I got Mabri a recorder today because I guess I am voluntarily giving up my sanity. She hasn't totally figured it out yet, as you can see her using the wrong end in her mouth, and rather than blowing to make noise, she just uses her voice. The fact that this is a wind instrument is lost on her for the time being.
Big belly laughs. Really not sure what was so funny about me that day, but we were on our way home from the zoo, and she may have been delirious from exhaustion.
Well, my bed is calling. Hope you all have a lovely Friday tomorrow! Over and out . . . Brooke for the Miller's