Sunday, February 10, 2008

It's my birthday!!!!

Unbelievable. A year ago we were in labor, counting minutes between contractions, and getting ready to meet the newest member of the Miller family. Needless to say, the first year has gone by ridiculously fast, and we can't believe what an amazing daughter Mabri has turned out to be. We love her more every day. She is about 23 lbs and 30 inches tall. She has 10 teeth, including three molars, and as you can see, unbelievably curly hair. She is taking a few wobbly steps, and if Brooke and I sit about 6 feet apart, she can walk the whole way. She says momma and daddy, somewhat randomly, but we think she means it. She loves music, and is turning out to be quite a dancer.

It's been fun to see all her personality coming out, and as you can see her moods can change in the blink of an eye.

We had a birthday party for her and her best friend Addison Byler a couple of weeks ago, and had a great time. That cupcake didn't stand a chance. Mommy had to dig bits of it out of her ears and nose that night.

Mommy here now. It's hard to believe our little girl is one already, and I may have a meltdown on her birthday tomorrow, but I think I can speak for the both of us and say that it has been the most amazing year of our lives. They say it takes a village to raise a child, and we want to say thanks to each and every one of you for being a part of our lives, for being in our "village". We are blessed. Good night all.
Much Love, The Millers


StudioL6 said...

If there was a baby version of "American Idol", your little angel would definitely make the auditions!

Anonymous said...

congratulations! it's always so fun to see pictures of your little one.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to you guys, and to Mabri! What a beautiful little girl she is! Hope you have a wonderful day celebrating her birthday! -Melanie

Unknown said...

She has the most beautiful eyes (just like her mama). Thanks for keeping those of us updated who live far away. Hope you guys are well!

Lainrae said...

What a cute little human you're raising. I want some more close ups of the parental units though- i want to see your faces..


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