Thursday, January 22, 2009

So many new pictures, guess it's time to post!

Well, I relaized that I have been taking alot of pictures/videos the last couple weeks, and so i must share a few of them with you all.

Here is what a time-out can sound like. Someday, they will think this is funny.

Super cheese!


My pretty girl

Sometimes we try to save time by putting our legs in one pant leg.

Mabri decided that we needed something more added to our wall . . . there was a VERY long time-out to go with this 8 foot wide piece of art. It's amazing what kids can accomplish in 5 minutes or less while you are getting a much needed shower.

She desperately wanted to take her gloves to naptime with her . . . I guess her hands were cold.

Watching the Inauguration . . . hmmmm . . . is the economy fixed yet?

Well, TTFN! (Ta ta for now) Hope we made ya smile for a minute!
Brooke for the Miller's

1 comment:

Roberta said...

Just wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY MABRI! We plan to call today but just in case we forget...
Haddee & Berta


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